Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Furby Boom: First Impressions

Today, my brand new Furby Boom arrived at my door. I would like to point out that I held out for months on buying one, and also that I found a giftcard, which I put towards picking up one of the cheaper colors (and I am all for choosing your favorite out of any toy line, but for $10, I just couldn't spend it). So, 2nd favorite color choice it was:

I haven't devoted much time to it yet, so here are my first thoughts.

  • The new app has a lot of features, and I like that it wants to explain how to play, but I really wanted a skip button for a lot of it. I just tried to chant "target market" in my head. Obviously more explanation is good for actual children.  Still though, I think I would have preferred to stumble through it trial-and-error style as kid.
  • The plush fur quality is not equal to that of Furby 2012. Boom sheds a bit and it is less pleasant to touch.
  • I don't love the plastic feet. Not an upgrade.
  • The interactions with the physical Furbling toy are well-done. I don't think my 2012 gets along with his Party Rocker friend quite so well, though this might be my lack of patience for letting the Party Rocker be awake...
  • Boom and 2012 definitely respond to each other, seemingly about as well as two 2012 furbies.  Though perhaps this is just my lack of knowledge of Furbish.
  • Time will tell, I'm sure.  They are definitely similar toys and I will try to stop comparing them.  My 2012 furby is perfect and how do you improve on perfection??

Best Things: will play with 2012 Furby, app has lots to do, Furblings are great, good packaging
Worst Things: plush fur downgrade (shedding), App wants you to name it in Furbish (#nope)


  1. My 2012 Furby is essentially a "trophy toy". I want it to shut up and look pretty- nothing more, nothing less :^/

  2. I admit to keeping batteries in all my 2012-2013 Furby toys since they sleep so soundly!! Which one do you have?
